Enviromental efforts
We at A2B LONDON LOCKSMITHS are making every effort to be more eco friendly and reduce our carbon footprint.
We feel that it's very important that we provide a service which is fairly priced and environmentally friendly.
To do our bit, we have introduced a list of new practises that is cost effective and safer for the environment.
Paperless receipts
* We will not be using any paper receipts.
It's not essential to use paper for receipts anymore so all receipts, invoices etc will be provided electronically via text, WhatsApp or email.
Reducing our service area
* We decided to reduce our service area to within a 3 mile radius of Battersea Bridge.
This allows us to use our vans less and any bookings outside our radius will be forwarded to a local Locksmith closer to the customers address. Again reducing carbon footprint.
Reducing aerosols
* All maintenance aerosols such as WD40 and GT85 will be used where necessary but at a absolute minimum.
Utilising local building suppliers
* to reduce our carbon footprint, we will arrange for security products you need to be delivered directly to you or outsource products which can be collected at local building suppliers close to your address.
Repairing and recycling
* where at all possible, we will recycle all old or faulty locks at nearby recycle centres and repair components if they can be used again.
Saving heat waste
* unless its necessary we not leave doors open at your property so that heat escapes.
Not using hoovers etc
* For any lock installations or repairs where drilling or woodwork is required we will only clean up with a vacuum if absolutely necessary opting to use a dustpan and brush. This way no electricity is used at your property.
Providing remote price quotations - whatsapp
To save you time and money, we will provide you with price quotations via WhatsApp or email.
All you would need to do is take a few pictures of the lock or door issue and this will help us give you a quick cost price and reduce unnecessary repeat visits to your property.
These are small changes to our business model but feel it's a proactive step in helping the environment.